Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kissing and Making Up

So, Manhattan and I have had our first tiff and come out the other side. The fast slide into mutual frustration and annoyance, swooped back to joy and respect in a matter of twenty four hours. I find myself wondering, is this the beginning of a roller coaster relationship or just a jolt which moved the relationship to the next, more enduring level.

So, what prompted the making up? It was the little things. A great friend (new, of course, but definitely a keeper) held my hand and took me to her amazing colorist who fixed my mustard hair. Does friendship get any deeper than that? Another great friend (new, of course, blah blah) decided to nominate me for school council - which is a bit like Lady GaGa being nominated for a Nobel prize, it ain't going to happen - but she believes in me. Does friendship get any deeper than that?? Then, the kids had a snow day. As we woke up on the 21st floor, we watched the snowstorm swirl and whirl in between all the impenetrable concrete. We watched the local store owners hand shovel the pavements all the way through and after the storm. We headed out and joined in the snow fun, building snow men and sledding in Central Park. The city seemed to pause for some snow fun.

During the snow storm, there was also no panic buying at the supermarket, as would happen in the UK. The city continued as normal - seamless web was up and running, the delivery boys braved the snow on their bikes and brought us fresh, hot pizza. When my youngest got a fever, our favourite drugstore was a phone call away. They listened to her symptoms, recommended some natural and effective medicines and delivered them to our door within the hour. How cool is that??

All this ease and convenience felt wonderful at first. I could relax in my ivory (well, 1926 brick) tower and let the city come to me with the click of a mouse. But then I began to wonder, how did all this come around? Why do Manhattanites need to make it so easy for themselves to stay in? I then remembered my 'tea and toast' day and I wonder if it is a good thing all the time. After a few more bad days, I could see myself surviving on deliveries and not having to face my urban adversary. If the city is getting the better of you, you can just opt out. I imagine that in this pulsing, wonderful but athletically tuned city there are more Howard Hughes than anywhere else on earth. But, maybe I am letting my old catastrophising habit sneak up on me again, one tea and toast day does not a Howard Hughes make.

So, as I settle myself down into the smugness of a steady relationship, I know in the back of my mind that I am considering multi-dating. Multi-dating is the call sign of Manhattan singles, but will Manhattan mind of I decamp to Fire Island for the summer? Maybe it is too early to bring it up? I might try to sneak under a tunnel this weekend to check out the beach house competition. A girl can look, right?

yours faithfully (honest)

Torie B

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